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Data Center Network

We're working to identify and add value to the network of folks around the world that are researching and resisting data center expansion. We have some projects cooking and we want them to be complementary and useful to the work of others.
If you want to share more information about your work, please fill out the short questions below. We can then be in touch as we organise meet-ups and share out findings from our projects or others.
If you know about others that might find this valuable, please send them this link and then we can build out the network of folks globally, across issue areas, and with different focus or expertise.

Your name

Your email

What geographic region do you work in?

Any org affiliation?

What are you working on related to data centers?

Any links you want to share of work that you're following in (even if it's not yours!)

What conversations do you most want to be a part of?