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Generative AI Learning Lab Series hosted by NetGain + Computer Says Maybe

Still feeling unsure about how to help colleagues in your foundation or in peer foundations navigate generative AI as a topic? Good news!

Join the NetGain Generative AI Learning Lab series: monthly 1-hour sessions on particular topics related to generative AI where you can hear from experts working at the intersection of AI and politics.

If you opt-in on the next page, you'll get:

✅ Invitations to the monthly sessions so you can RSVP
✅ Monthly newsletters that outline more about topics with links to further reading
✅ Invitations to closed door peer learning sessions so you can connect with other funders
✅ Summaries and recordings of the monthly sessions

We want funders across a wide range of issue areas to have the tools and knowledge to make considered choices about how they engage with generative AI. To that end we'll host a diverse range of speakers, with domain expertise in AI, climate change, democracy, human rights, public health, and more.