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The New Protagonist Network is an emerging community of visionaries and experts working on AI politics and power.

Are you working in the sociotechnical or public interest technology fields?

Do you want to help shift the narrative from pigeon-holed counter-narrative into a proactive driver of political vision?

What if you could work in community with others to organize around decisive issues and moments in AI politics, and shape public discourse on AI that is people-centred rather than industry and innovation-obsessed?

Sounds interesting? Hey, good news! The New Protagonist Network is the place for you.

So, what do we do around here? We build collective power through:

Curated Community

A Slack space to share your work, ask questions, connect, and join efforts with peers with diverse, expert perspectives in AI policy and governance.

A Platform for Coordination

Events and opportunities to exchange ideas, organize, strategize, and respond to critical inflexion points in AI politics.

Media Power Support

Trainings and tools to develop your message, grow your platform, and shape public discourse on AI.

Interested? Complete this short form to apply to join the network.

If you're accepted, you'll be invited to join our Slack space, start getting insider-updates on what we're working on, and opportunities to get involved.